Return & Exchange Policy

The product can be replaced in these cases:

1.) Products caused by the wrong delivery, size, color, or any defects due to brand faults. The brand will be responsible for delivering new products to customer within 3-14 business days without additional cost. (3-14 in business days is the period of the production and transport products to the shipping company only. Which the delivery time for the goods to the customers will be according to the conditions of the shipping company.)

2.) Product replacement must notify within 7 business days of receiving the product. If longer than the specified period, the brand will not be responsible in any case. Return and replacement policy are all based on shipping tracking delivery date.

3.) For consideration*, MUST attach detailed proof of purchase, tracking number, date of receipt the product and product photos with problems clearly within 7 business days of receiving the product. And return the products in the same condition within 7 business days after return claim is accepted.
Please email us at or contact us here.

4.) Replacement of the product, the brand will create new products which are the original form, collection, size, and color as the customer ordered. It cannot be changed to other forms, collection, sizes, and colors.

5.) It cannot be exchanged for cash back or cancellation in any case.


The product cannot be replaced in these cases:

1.) In the case that the product is considered that not defective due to the brand. Or does not right the above requirements, it cannot be replaced in all cases.

2.) In the case that the customer intentionally causes the product to be damaged, ordered by mistake, wrong color, wrong size, or not following the instructions for using and care the product. The brand is not responsible in all these cases. Please read and follow product description, care, and usage carefully. 

3.) In the case that the customer wishes to change the design, size, color, or any case because of the needs of the customer. There will be a cost to produce the product, shipping cost, and costs incurred in the operation.